Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Great Wall of China looking GREAT

The Great Wall of China looking GREAT..!!! ;)

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China in part to protect the Chinese Empire or its prototypical states against intrusions by various nomadic groups or military incursions by various w...
arlike peoples or forces. Several walls were being built as early as the 7th century BC; these, later joined together and made bigger, stronger, and unified are now collectively referred to as the Great Wall. Especially famous is the wall built between 220–206 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. Little of that wall remains. Since then, the Great Wall has on and off been rebuilt, maintained, and enhanced; the majority of the existing wall was reconstructed during the Ming Dynasty.

The Largest Living Organism

What’s the largest living organism?

The elephant? The blue whale? The T-Rex? No. The largest ever living organism is a mushroom. And not even a particularly rare one. The Armillaria ostoyae or ‘Honey fungus’ is very common, and is probably in your garden as we speak. However, lets hope it doesn’t grow as large as the largest ever recorded specimen, in Malheur National forest, in Oregon. It covers...
2,200 acres (890 hectares)!! And is between 2,000 and 8,000 years old!! The majority of the organism is under ground, in the form of a massive mat of tentacle-like mycelia (the mushroom’s equivalent of roots). The giant honey fungus was originally thought to grow in different clusters around the forest, but researches have confirmed it is in fact one very, very large single organism!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Jelly Fish deceives Death

Turritopsis Nutricula deceived death.
All living organisms are doomed to die after completing their life cycle. However, reaching sexual maturity, Turritopsis Nutricula returned to the stage of a young individual, and repeats this cycle ind
efinitely until it is killed.

Jellyfish Lake

Jellyfish Lake.
Pond Palau archipelago - the world that is unparalleled. Small closed lake filled with fifteen million jellyfish - mastigiasov. At a distance from the shore animals get in a solid wall, and when to approach her, jellyfish make way, as if letting people in his kingdom ... The Jellyfish Lake (Jellyfish Lake) can not scuba dive, because water deeper than 10 m toxic. But despite all of
 the above local jellyfish is not dangerous to humans, because they can not sting, lost in the evolution of this.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Top 10 Mysteries of the Universe

Top 10 Mysteries of the Universe

The Universe… The incredible difference in scale between the tiny world we live in every day and the vastness of all time and space begs the question of whether we will ever be able to grasp the fullness of the cosmos. But that doesn’t stop us from trying. In fact, contemplating the great unknowns must be one of the oldest hobbies in human experience. The pursuit 
has given rise first to religion, then to philosophy, then to people who make fun of religion and philosophy.

10. Extraterrestrial Intelligence

This is really a simple mystery. Is there other intelligent life out there in the universe? Carl Sagan reminds us that if we exist, then, no matter how rare intelligence is in the universe, given how huge the universe is, we must have many neighbors out there somewhere. Frank Drake, an astrophysicist, created an equation that helps figure out how much intelligent life there is in the universe, and estimated that if only one in a billion planets has intelligent life, then there must still be over 6 billion planets with intelligence on them. Enrico Fermi, however, pointed out that if life is that common, then it is virtually impossible that we haven’t yet detected any signs of other intelligent life in the universe. So, the real mystery is this: what is it about Earth that makes no one want to play with us?

9. The Tunguska Explosion

On the 30th of June, 1908 (or the 17th, at the time; the calendar has been revamped since then), at 7:17 am (local time), something exploded over a region of forest in the Tunguska River Valley in Siberia, Russia. Locals many miles away saw something bright blue streak toward the area and explode with incredible force, sufficient to register on instruments in England. Later examination of the site showed that trees had been knocked down in a radial pattern from a central point, indicating an air burst of some kind. To this day, scientists aren’t sure what it was, and generally figure that it was a meteor or a fragment of a comet. Why did it explode in the air? Why haven’t we found any pieces? The mystery has kept UFO aficionados up at nights since then.

8. Rare Antimatter

Matter and antimatter are, in theory, created at the same time by the same event. When a normal baryonic particle is created, an antiparticle of the same mass and opposite charge is also created. However, while we have created antimatter in laboratories on Earth, we don’t see it in the universe around us. No one seems to know what happened to all the antimatter that should be there…

7. Consciousness

What is the mind? Behaviorists say that it is just conditioned responses. But it’s hard to deny that our ability to reflect on our own thoughts is something distinct and interesting. Is it a mere side-effect of the way our brains work? If so, how long will it be before a computer becomes self-aware and asks for equal rights? How can you tell true consciousness from something designed to simulate it? Can consciousness survive the death of the brain that carries it? There are a lot of questions, but until we can have an equal conversation with either a robot or a ghost, there really won’t be any answers.

6. Dark Matter / Dark Energy

Current models of the universe, and observations made by high-tech instruments, point to there being an enormous amount of matter in the universe beyond what we can actually see. In fact, we can only seem to perceive about 4% of the stuff in the universe directly. The rest is invisible, or “dark matter,” a term that just means that we have no idea what it is. Accompanying this dark matter is some type of energy that, like dark matter, we can’t perceive directly. We call this, in a moment of inspiration, “dark energy.” Apparently, there’s even more of this than there is dark matter. Different theories abound, but perhaps, as mentioned in #10 above, most of the universe is just avoiding us.

5. Time

You think you know what time is? Okay, try defining it without using any terms that rely on time. Time is… well, it’s time. It’s what keeps every event from happening simultaneously, and it’s what distinguishes something that happened in the past from something that will happen in the future. Is it a dimension, like space? Is it a quality of matter? Is it merely an illusion, possibly created to boost sales of digital watches? The smartest guys in the world get headaches from this one.

4. The Beginning of the Universe

How did the universe begin? Did the universe ever begin? If the universe includes everything that we know, including time, could there possibly even be a “before” before the beginning of the universe. Current theories generally talk about a “Big Bang,” which is a massive expansion of all matter and energy from a single point, which is still continuing through the present day. What started the bang? Where did all the energy and matter come from? Are these questions even meaningful? What about creationism, if that is for you? If God created the universe and all the physical laws in it, what is he doing now that it is running itself?

3. End of the Universe

Following the question of the end of the universe is the question of the end of the universe. Opinions vary on whether we can expect the universe to ever expire. There are several possibilities. One is that the universe will continue to expand, and eventually become so spread out that all matter and energy is just a homogeneous cloud of thin, lukewarm dust. Another is that gravity will eventually catch up with all the matter, and the universe will slow down and fall back into a single point, which may spark another big bang. Yet another theory notes that baryons and protons, the building blocks of matter, don’t seem to be being created naturally anymore, and if they decay (as some other particles do), the universe will simply fade out as all the particles just cease to be. In general, nothing untoward is expected to happen to the universe for many billion years, which will probably be a relief to those with long-range investments.

2. Multiple Universes

Current quantum physics raises the possibility that there are many universes besides our own, existing in the same space and time, but only interacting in certain limited ways. These universes may have their own separate histories and futures, and even their own laws of physics. This is all vague theory for the moment, but some day it may be possible to travel to the universe where your favorite singer won American Idol or visit with evil Spock.

1. Grand Unification Theory

For decades, physicists have been trying to make sense of the difference between Isaac Newton’s classical physics (you know, what you use to play pool) Einstein‘s relativistic physics, that involve very large or massive things at enormous velocities, and Heisenberg’s (and others’) quantum physics, which concerns things so small that you can’t even measure them without changing the result. These three sets of physical laws seem to play by their own rules, largely ignoring each other, and yet they all relate to the same universe. And so physicists have hunted for the Grand Unification Theory, which would substitute for all of these incomplete sets of laws and make sense of it all. Perhaps it doesn’t exist. Or perhaps it’s just too complex for human minds to grasp. One way or the other, it’s going to keep scientists arguing for some time to come. Cartoon property of Berkeley Breathed.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Date and TimeMatch Details and Series
Thu Sep 13
09:30 local | 04:00 GMT
Warm Up : 1st T20 - Ireland vs Zimbabwe
Moors Sports Club Ground, Colombo
Thu Sep 13
09:30 local | 04:00 GMT
Warm Up : 2nd T20 - Sri Lanka vs West Indies
Nondescripts Cricket Club, Colombo
Sat Sep 15
09:30 local | 04:00 GMT
Warm Up : 3rd T20 - Afghanistan vs Sri Lanka A
Moors Sports Club Ground, Colombo
Sat Sep 15
09:30 local | 04:00 GMT
Warm Up : 4th T20 - Australia vs New Zealand
Nondescripts Cricket Club, Colombo
Sat Sep 15
09:30 local | 04:00 GMT
Warm Up : 5th T20 - Bangladesh vs Zimbabwe
Colts Cricket Club Ground, Colombo
Sat Sep 15
09:30 local | 04:00 GMT
Warm Up : 6th T20 - India vs Sri Lanka
P Sara Oval, Colombo
Mon Sep 17
09:30 local | 04:00 GMT
Warm Up : 7th T20 - Australia vs England
Nondescripts Cricket Club, Colombo
Mon Sep 17
09:30 local | 04:00 GMT
Warm Up : 8th T20 - Bangladesh vs Ireland
Moors Sports Club Ground, Colombo
Mon Sep 17
09:30 local | 04:00 GMT
Warm Up : 9th T20 - New Zealand vs South Africa
Colts Cricket Club Ground, Colombo
Mon Sep 17
14:00 local | 08:30 GMT
Warm Up : 10th T20 - Afghanistan vs West Indies
P Sara Oval, Colombo
Mon Sep 17
14:00 local | 08:30 GMT
Warm Up : 11th T20 - India vs Pakistan
R Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Wed Sep 19
09:30 local | 04:00 GMT
Warm Up : 12th T20 - England vs Pakistan
P Sara Oval, Colombo
Tue Sep 18

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Group C : 1st T20 - Sri Lanka vs Zimbabwe
Mahinda Rajapaksa International Stadium, Hambantota
Wed Sep 19

15:30 local | 10:00 GMT
Group B : 2nd T20 - Australia vs Ireland
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Wed Sep 19

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Group A : 3rd T20 - India vs Afghanistan
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Thu Sep 20

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Group C : 4th T20 - South Africa vs Zimbabwe
Mahinda Rajapaksa International Stadium, Hambantota
Fri Sep 21

15:30 local | 10:00 GMT
Group D : 5th T20 - New Zealand vs Bangladesh
Pallekele Cricket Stadium, Kandy
Fri Sep 21

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Group A : 6th T20 - England vs Afghanistan
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Sat Sep 22

15:30 local | 10:00 GMT
Group C : 7th T20 - Sri Lanka vs South Africa
Mahinda Rajapaksa International Stadium, Hambantota
Sat Sep 22

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Group B : 8th T20 - Australia vs West Indies
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Sun Sep 23

15:30 local | 10:00 GMT
Group D : 9th T20 - New Zealand vs Pakistan
Pallekele Cricket Stadium, Kandy
Sun Sep 23

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Group A : 10th T20 - England vs India
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Mon Sep 24

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Group B : 11th T20 - West Indies vs Ireland
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Tue Sep 25

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Group D : 12th T20 - Bangladesh vs Pakistan
Pallekele Cricket Stadium, Kandy
Thu Sep 27

15:30 local | 10:00 GMT
Super Eights, Group 1 : 13th T20 - TBC vs TBC
Pallekele Cricket Stadium, Kandy
Thu Sep 27

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Super Eights, Group 1 : 14th T20 - TBC vs TBC
Pallekele Cricket Stadium, Kandy
Fri Sep 28

15:30 local | 10:00 GMT
Super Eights, Group 2 : 15th T20 - TBC vs TBC
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Fri Sep 28

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Super Eights, Group 2 : 16th T20 - TBC vs TBC
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Sat Sep 29

15:30 local | 10:00 GMT
Super Eights, Group 1 : 17th T20 - TBC vs TBC
Pallekele Cricket Stadium, Kandy
Sat Sep 29

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Super Eights, Group 1 : 18th T20 - TBC vs TBC
Pallekele Cricket Stadium, Kandy
Sun Sep 30

15:30 local | 10:00 GMT
Super Eights, Group 2 : 19th T20 - TBC vs TBC
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Sun Sep 30

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Super Eights, Group 2 : 20th T20 - TBC vs TBC
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Mon Oct 1

15:30 local | 10:00 GMT
Super Eights, Group 1 : 21st T20 - TBC vs TBC
Pallekele Cricket Stadium, Kandy
Mon Oct 1

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Super Eights, Group 1 : 22nd T20 - TBC vs TBC
Pallekele Cricket Stadium, Kandy
Tue Oct 2

15:30 local | 10:00 GMT
Super Eights, Group 2 : 23rd T20 - TBC vs TBC
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Tue Oct 2

19:30 local | 14:00 GMT
Super Eights, Group 2 : 24th T20 - TBC vs TBC
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Thu Oct 4

19:00 local | 13:30 GMT
1st Semi Final T20 - TBC vs TBC
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Fri Oct 5

19:00 local | 13:30 GMT
2nd Semi Final T20 - TBC vs TBC
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Sun Oct 7

19:00 local | 13:30 GMT
Final T20 - TBC vs TBC
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo

Monday, September 3, 2012

Real fact behind the name of Orange Fruit

Have you ever wondered whether the fruit orange was named after the color orange or was it the other way around? The word orange comes from the Spanish word ‘naranja’. ‘naranja’ is derived from the Sanskrit word nāraṅga which means ‘orange
tree’. This particular word changed when it came to the English language over time and became orange. Around the sixteenth century, this particular word not only referred to the fruit but also to the color. So there you have it, the color was named after the fruit itself.

An Interesting tree with fruits in the shape of Women

There is an amazing tree found in Thailand. It is called as "Nareepol". Nareepol Tree is an amazing tree that grows fruit in the shape of women show the tree in Thailand. The meaning of Naree is "girl or woman" and Pol means plant or tree in Malay. You can find these trees in reality near Petchaboon province which is 500 Kms from Bangkok. The Nareepol tree in Thailand is drawing the attention of people all over the world. This is an amazing tree which grows fruits in the shape of a woman. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Dont worry about Charging your mobile

Now, charge your phone by simply holding it.........

LONDON: Next time your cellphone runs out of battery, you can charge it by just holding it in your hand, as scientists claim to have developed a new technology that turns body heat into electricity. Researchers say they have developed a way to turn body heat into electricity using nanotechnology to put tiny carbon tubes into miniscule plastic f
ibres and made them look like a fabric.
The 'Power Felt' can keep your phone going for up to 20% longer just through the power of touch, meaning simply holding one, or even sitting on it, could recharge the cell. The technology has been created by professor David Carroll of Wakeforest University's centre for nanotechnology and molecular materials in the US.
According to Carrol, it could be the first wave of inexpensive ways to produce electricity that were far more affordable than current renewables such as solar, which was being held back by the high cost.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

26 Interesting Facts about The London Olympics 2012

26 Interesting Facts about The London Olympics 2012

  • 26 Interesting Facts about The London Olympics 2012

    The London Olympic 2012
    Potential spectators are waiting patiently in the wings, bank accounts plugged and tickets flow across the country like confetti. The London Olympics is nearly here! Cherry White Design have devised a short list of interesting facts about what this Olympics means for Britain. So whether you are a looking for ways to promote your business during this time or simply just an interested spectator, read on:
    1. 26 Olympic sports will be played
    2. 19 Paralympic sports will be played
    3. There will be 60-70 London 2012 sponsors
    4. The London economy is projected to grow by $80 billion by 2015
    5. The Games are projected to generate 12,000 new jobs in the Olympic Park
    6. 31 competition venues will be utilised
    7. 20,000 press/media will be in attendance
    8. 10km of new roads will be built
    9. There will be 500,000 spectators per day
    10. 9,000 new homes will be built
    11. There will be 9.6million tickets for sale – 8million for the Olympics and 1.6million for the Paralympics.
    12. Organisers say 75 per cent of all tickets will cost less than £50 and offer free travel on London transport.
    13. A sell-out rate of 82 per cent for the Olympic Games and 63 per cent for the Paralympics is estimated.
    14. Tickets for the athletics will start at £15 and there will be 20,000 £10 tickets for the Olympic Park to watch
    15. The village will be converted into 3,600 apartments, most of them will be affordable housing.
    16. After the Games four arenas would be ‘deconstructed’ and relocated to other parts of the UK along with the swimming pools that are used for water polo and the
    50m training pools.
    17. Charities will be given the sports equipment used in the Games for free.
    18. 80 per cent of athletes would be within 20 minutes of their events and 97 per cent of athletes within 30 minutes of their events.
    19. 93 per cent of training venues are to be within 30 minutes of the athletes village.
    20. There are 9,000 planned park and ride spaces to be made available at Ebbsfleet where spectators can board a 10-minute javelin service to the Olympic Park. This
    is the same station where continental spectators travelling by Eurostar will join the javelin to the Olympic Park.
    21. It is predicted that on event days 78 per cent of spectators are likely to travel from within London and 22 per cent from the rest of the UK and Europe.
    22. By 2012 it is estimated that over 135,000 hotel rooms will be available within 50km of the Olympic Park, up from 120,000 presently.
    23. Number of foreign visitors: 350,000 per day
    24. Food and Beverage potential: 18 million meals
    25. Value of tourism benefit: an additional £2.1 billion
    26. Total workforce needed: 200,000

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Interesting Spot

I guess all of you might have seen this place in movies or through the web.Here is the details of the spot.
Trolltunga is a piece of rock that stands horizontally out of the mountain above Skjeggedal in Odda, Norway. To get to Trolltunga (Norwegian for "Troll's tongue") visitors need to go to Odda, then to Skjeggedal via Tyssedal. Previously, a trolley car transported visitors the first 950 metres above sea level during the summer. There are, however, both stairs and a path that guide visitors the first 950 metres, and from there marked hiking trails lead visitors the rest of the way.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

View of World - Day and Night

The World: Day and
Night from Space
The World: Day and
Night from Space. The
exact view is
147354066 km above
28°10′N 70°42′W (to
be exact)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Some unknown facts about Sun

Lets see some facts about Sun.

¤ Sun is the largest object in our solar system, yet it is one of the smallest stars(not red dwarfs) known to human.

¤ Sun has almost 99.8% of the entire mass of the solar system.

¤ Unlike earth Sun has tens of millions of magnetic poles.

¤ The sun is not a solid object, it is plasma and it rotates faster at equator than at its poles(Poles of a Sphere).

¤ Sun’s energy is from nuclear fusion and for this, Sun fuses around 620 million metric tons of hydrogen per second!!!

¤ The light from Sun takes around 7 hours to reach the edge of our solar system.

¤ Each 11 years Sun changes its overall magnetic polarity, this
causes some unusual activities on the Sun and Sun reaches its solar maximum. Solar maximum is the period when the Sun’s
activity reaches its maximum.

¤ When this solar maximum occurs, the aurora become a everyday phenomena.

¤The solar storm on 1859 caused the norhtern lights to be appeared over Rome, which is the one and only time it ever happened.

¤ The next solar maximum is due on 2012, 2013 and 2014.

¤ Large solar flares can actually disrupt our communication systems and cause power outages.

Seven Brilliant Quotes

Seven Brilliant Quotes

EGYPT MUMMY :: Great Sphinx of Giza (Egypt)

Great Sphinx of Giza (Egypt)

A reclining lion with a human head that stands on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile, near modern-day Cairo, is the largest monolith statue in the world. Standing 73.5 m (241 ft) long, 6 m (20 ft) wide, and 20 m (65 ft) high, the Great Sphinx of Giza is also the oldest known monumental sculpture, and is commonly believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians in the third millennium BCE. The Great Sphinx faces due east and houses a small temple between its paws. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Fruit salad tree

There is a tree which
can grow up to 7
different fruits on it..!!
It is called fruit salad
Fruit salad tree sprouts
as many as seven
varieties of fruit in one
tree. The combinations
aren’t quite as diverse
as bountiful fruit bowls
— apples and peaches,
for example, can’t mix.
But the trees combine
several members of
fruit families into one.
A citrus version grows
oranges, mandarins,
lemons, limes, tangelos,
lemonades (a rounded
fruit that’s sweet like
lemonade) and
grapefruit. A stone fruit
tree yields peaches,
apricots, plums,
nectarines, peachcots (a
cross between peaches
and apricots) and
peacherines. The trees
can be planted outside
in small back yards
(depending on their
climate requirements),
or kept in a pot. Most
are self-pollinating so no
partner trees or
pollinating bees are

Golden Words By A.P.J.Abdul Kalaam

Golden Words By former President of INDIA Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalaam

Bosco Verticale: World’s First Vertical Forest in Milan

Bosco Verticale: World’s First Vertical Forest in Milan

A fascinating new pair of residential tower called Bosco Verticale is being constructed at Milan, Italy. Designed by architect Stefano Boeri, Bosco Verticale is being construed as “a project for metropolitan reforestation that contributes to the regeneration of the environment and urban biodiversity without the implication of expanding the city upon the territory”. Towering over the city’s skyline the world's first forest in the sky will be a sight to behold. The 27 storied building will accommodate nearly one hectare of forest trees as tall as oak and amelanchiers in its cleverly designed balconies. The 365 and 260 foot emerald twin towers will house an astonishing 900 trees, 5,000 shrubs and 11,000 ground cover plants.
This is a concept illustration of how Bosco Verticale will look like when completed.
In summer, the trees will provide shade and filter the city’s dust; in winter, sunlight will shrine through the bare branches. Bosco Verticale's greenery will absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, while protecting the building from wind and penetrating sunlight. Boeri claims that the inclusion of trees adds just 5 percent to construction costs, and is a necessary response to the sprawl of the modern city. If the units were individual houses, it would require 50,000 sq m of land, and 10,000 sq m of woodland.Bosco Verticale: World’s First Vertical Forest in Milan

A fascinating new pair of residential tower called Bosco Verticale is being constructed at Milan, Italy. Designed by architect Stefano Boeri, Bosco Verticale is being construed as “a project for metropolitan reforestation that contributes to the regeneration of the environment and urban biodiversity without the implication of expanding the city upon the territory”. Towering over the city’s skyline the world's first forest in the sky will be a sight to behold. The 27 storied building will accommodate nearly one hectare of forest trees as tall as oak and amelanchiers in its cleverly designed balconies. The 365 and 260 foot emerald twin towers will house an astonishing 900 trees, 5,000 shrubs and 11,000 ground cover plants.
This is a concept illustration of how Bosco Verticale will look like when completed.
In summer, the trees will provide shade and filter the city’s dust; in winter, sunlight will shrine through the bare branches. Bosco Verticale's greenery will absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, while protecting the building from wind and penetrating sunlight. Boeri claims that the inclusion of trees adds just 5 percent to construction costs, and is a necessary response to the sprawl of the modern city. If the units were individual houses, it would require 50,000 sq m of land, and 10,000 sq m of woodland.

Monday, July 2, 2012

படுவேகத்தில் பைக்கை பறக்க விடுபவரா நீங்கள் : உங்களை திருத்தட்டும் இந்த உண்மை சம்பவம்!

படுவேகத்தில் பைக்கை பறக்க விடுபவரா நீங்கள் : உங்களை திருத்தட்டும் இந்த உண்மை சம்பவம்!

படுவேகத்தில் டூவீலர்களை ஓட்டுவோருக்கு மதுரையில் நடந்த விபத்து ஒரு பாடம்.

இப்போதெல்லாம், டூவீலரை 'ஸ்டார்ட்' செய்து விட்டாலே, பலருக்கு ராக்கெட்டில் பறக்கும் நினைப்பு வந்து விடுகிறது. 'கட்' அடித்து, பஸ்களுக்கு இடையேயும், பிளாட் பாரத்திற்கு மேலேயும் பாய்ந்து சென்று, மற்றவர்களை கவர அல்லது மிரட்ட நினைக்கின்றனர். 30 வயதுக்கு உட்பட்ட இளைஞர்கள் தான், இதை சாகசமாக நினைத்து, இப்படி ஓட்டுகின்றனர்.'பெண்கள் நம்மை பார்க்க வேண்டும். ஹீரோவாக நினைக்க வேண்டும்' என்பது இந்த இளைஞர்களின் எதிர்பார்ப்பு. அதிலும், வாகனத்தின் பின்னால் காதலி அமர்ந்தி ருந் தால், இளைஞர்களுக்கு இன்னும் கொஞ்சம் வீரம் 'பொத்துக்கொண்டு' வந்து விடும். வண்டியின் வேகம் அதிகரிக்கும். தரையில் படுமாறு வண்டியை சாய்த்து, ரொம்ப அதிகமாகவே 'கட்' அடித்து, ஹீரோத்தனத்தை வெளிப்படுத்துவர்.எப்போதுமே இந்த 'ஹீரோத்தனம்' வெற்றி பெறாது என்பதை இவர்கள் புரிந்து கொள்வதில்லை. சில நேரங்களில் விபத்துகளுக்கு 'ஓவர் ஸ்பீடு' காரணமாகி, வாழ்க்கையையே தொலைக்க வேண்டி வரும் என நினைப்பதில்லை.

இதற்கு உதாரணம், மதுரை பை-பாஸ் ரோட்டில் நடந்த விபத்து.ஆரப்பாளையத்தில் இருந்து ஒரு அரசு டவுன் பஸ், திருமங்கலத்திற்கு புறப்பட்டது. பை-பாஸ் ரோடு ராம் நகர் காலனி பஸ் ஸ்டாப்பில் நின்று கொண்டு இருந்தது. அப்போது அதே திசையில் ஒரு டூவீலரில் இருவர் (ஹெல்மெட் அணியவில்லை), படுவேகத்தில் பறந்து வந்தனர். பஸ்சை முந்த நினைத்த பைக்கை ஓட்டி வந்தவர், பஸ்சிற்கும் ரோடு மீடியனுக்கும் இடையே புக முயன்றார்.இவர் வருவதை எதிர்பாராத டிரைவர், பஸ்சை லேசாக நகர்த்தினார். அவ்வளவு தான், வந்த வேகத்தில் பஸ்சின் பின்பக்க ஓரத்தில் பைக்காரர் மோதி, கீழே உருண்டார். 'ஐயோ, அம்மா' என கத்தியபடி மயங்கினார். முழங்காலுக்கு கீழ், இடது கால் எலும்பு உடைந்து கால் வளைந்தது. பைக்கின் பின்னால் அமர்ந்திருந்தவரும் கீழே விழுந்து, எழுந்தார். அதிர்ஷ்டவசமாக அவருக்கு காயம் இல்லை. இருப்பினும், அவரால் எழுந்து, பைக் ஓட்டி வந்தவரை தூக்க முடியவில்லை.

ஏனென்றால் பரிதாபம்... அவர் கால்கள் ஊனமுற்றவர். அவரது ஊன்றுகோல்கள் விழுந்து கிடந்தன. பைக்கின் பின்னால் அமர வைத்து, ஓட்டி வந்தவரை தன்னால் காப்பாற்ற முடியவில்லையே என்ற ஆதங்கத்தில், ரோட்டில் அமர்ந்தபடி, தரையை அடித்து, அடித்து அழுதுகொண்டு இருந்தார். பார்த்தவர்கள் கண்கள் கலங்கின. அங்கிருந்தவர்கள், விபத்தில் சிக்கியவரை, மருத்துவமனைக்கு அனுப்பி வைத்தனர். கால்களை இழந்தவரை அமர வைத்து ஓட்டும்போது கூட, உடல் உறுப்புகளின் அருமை தெரியாமல் இருந்திருக்கிறாரே அந்த இளைஞர் என்பது தான் கொடுமையிலும் கொடுமை. இளைஞர்களே... பைக்கின் வேகத்தை 'முறுக்கும்' முன், 'இந்த வேகம் தேவையா' என சிந்தியுங்கள். உங்களை நம்பி பெற்றோர், உடன்பிறந்தோர், மனைவி, குழந்தைகள் உள்ளனர் என்பதை மறக்காதீர்கள்.


Satire: MS Dhoni quits Chennai Super Kings; to lead Gorkha Brigade in IPL 2013!

This ‘Breaking News’ is a complete shocker! Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni will no longer be a part of the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) squad from the forthcoming season of the Indian Premier League (IPL)! Dhoni, who was appointed the ambassador of Nepali Cricket last week, will captain a new IPL team from Nepal that will feature in this cash-rich tournament in 2013.

"The IPL governing body is pleased to announce that the the league will have its first foreign team in Gorkha Brigade in 2013," said an ecstatic Rajeev Shukla, the commissioner of the IPL, to the press that gathered outside the Board of Control for Cricket in India’s (BCCI) office at Mumbai late last evening. "After the termination of Kochi Tuskers Kerala from the IPL, a tenth team was needed to make the schedule more feasible, and hence this addition."

Talks are doing the rounds that Dhoni reached this decision after a feud with current BCCI President and CSK owner N Srinivasan left the former fuming with rage. When quizzed by the media, Dhoni denied any rift with his former franchise owner, and revealed that the plan to shift base to Gorkha Brigade was in fact suggested by Srinivasan himself.

A devout Hindu, Srinivasan said in a press release later that he did this in support of the neighbouring Hindu kingdom. "This is the least I could do to help a Hindu country is to get them a place in the IPL and provide them with the best available leader. I feel it’s my responsibility as the head of the country’s apex cricket body and a Hindu," opined Srinivasan.

Dhoni, too, appeared happy with the move. "Well of course, I’m looking forward to it. Representing a foreign team in the IPL is going to be a unique experience, you know."

Sources reveal that Dhoni was keen on taking Suresh Raina and Ravichandran Ashwin along with him. The same sources also revealed that Dhoni cold shouldered Ravindra Jadeja. 

“I requested Mahi bhai to take me along as well. But he bluntly refused,” said a dejected Jadeja. “I even offered to engrave GB (Gorkha Brigade) on the left side of my head, just like I engraved CSK on the right a few months ago. But Mahi bhai retorted that Aamir Khan’s hairstyle in Ghajini, despite suffering from a head trauma, looked better than mine on any given day. That kind of took me aback. I was hurt. Mahi smirked when he said that,” he added.

The inclusion of Gorkha Brigade in the IPL got a mixed response throughout India. While many are happy that the IPL has extended its wings a little, an equal number of people are livid at the fact that there’ll be an increase in the number of IPL games yet again. But the Gorkha community’s joy here in Hyderabad knew no bounds. I managed to talk to quite a few people and had interesting conversations with them. One such conversation that enthralled me was with a man named Bahadur, who had always loved the concept of a ‘Night-watchman’ in cricket. “I’m sure that Gorkha Brigade is going to win the next IPL with ease,” said Bahadur. “We are used to playing cricket with lathis back in Nepal, and one can only imagine the damage we can inflict when we have something as broad as a cricket bat in our hands.” he added.

It’s believed that when Chris Gayle hit a lean patch a few years ago, he packed his bags to Nepal where he practiced hitting the ball with alathi instead of a bat at the Kirtipur Cricket Stadium, situated in the premises of Tribhuvan University in the outskirt of Nepal. He did this for several days, and the difference in his approach and his efficiency is there for everyone to see now.

However, the housing societies are not too thrilled at the news as IPL time could put their security in danger as Gorkhas could be glued to the TV. “The addition of Gorkha Brigade is not a good sign for us residents. My security guard would be watching TV and celebrating a ‘DLF Maximum’ or a ‘Karbon Kamaal Catch’ instead of preventing burglars trying to break in. I fear his work may take backseat,” said a worried resident.

Nevertheless, the Indian cricket fraternity is fairly happy with the turn of events, and this happiness was reflected in N. Srinivasan’s words. “Mr. Tony Greig stated in his Cowdrey Lecture that the IPL should be expanded into ‘an Asian League’ to include teams from Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. We believe we’ve taken a huge first step by including Nepal, and we’re proud of our decision,” he said triumphantly.

The Gorkha Brigade franchise will meet in a month’s time to discuss their plans and strategies for the forthcoming IPL. Also, it is believed that former actress Manisha Koirala could be the brand ambassador of the Gorkha Brigade team. The 41-year-old actress was, however, unavailable for comments.